The right to parentage is an inalienable Constitutional right. This is the right of the each parent, regardless of sex. Few people consider that the right to know your parents is the Constitutional right of every CHILD, as well. If you have been cut off from visitation with your child, or you have discovered that your children have been taken out of the County you must act quickly. Prevent child abduction. When you have broken up, file with the court. Don't just wait for something to happen. The first order the court makes when you file either a Parentage or a Divorce action is: "Don't take the children out of California." They are much harder to find and serve when they are out of the state.
Under the FAMILY CODE 3010 in California, both parents have equal rights to custody of their children. "There shall be no preference in child custody matters based solely on the sex of the parent". However, many fathers resign themselves to visitation on certain weekends per month. The key is the bond between the parent and the child. This too, is a matter of fact to be determined by the court in arranging the custody schedule. In court proceedings an attorney is vital to get admissable evidence to the judge.
When you need an attorney with the experience to make sure you obtain your fair share in either Divorce, Child Custody Disputes, or Conflicts with the Child Support Collection or Juvenile Courts, choose the office of Kenneth M Cavin. Our staff is highly-trained and we will work with you to ensure you have aggressive and thorough representation in your legal matters. We have experience with a wide variety of Family Law cases including: